
Cloudpin® & Q Technologies, Inc.
Q Technologies, Inc. sells and licenses Cloudpin which allows for files, content, application data, or financial transactions to be communicated from device to device using a unique identifier and/or location based technologies (such as a QR code, BTLE, NFC, RFID or the like).
Covered by:
US Patent. No. US 963,510,8 B2
US Patent. No. US 10,567,473
This marking serves as notice under 35 U.S. Code § 287.

Vodcast & Q Technologies, Inc.
Q Technologies, Inc. licenses Vodcast which allows for connected TV apps and providers to connect to content producers and their systems to ingest real time commercial break information and subsequently create manifest files in the cloud (mixing commercials in with the linear content), providing in the moment instructions to viewing client devices.
Q Technologies, Inc. also develops Vodcast App which provides creators with tools to create TV quality video podcasts by mixing sources in real time, and potentially monetize using live ad replacement from advertisers around the world.
US Patent. No. US 12,010,158
US Patent. No. US 10,193,944
This marking serves as notice under 35 U.S. Code § 287.